Dave Dee
Marketing Mentor & The Man who fanned the flames that started IT all! How To Double Your Income Without Spending Another Penny On Marketing…
Returning to the “Magic Marketing Stage in his first presentation exclusively for entertainers IN OVER A DECADE, Dave Dee will share with you a step-by-step system for doubling your profits without increasing your marketing budget. Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover:
The mindset shift that helped Dave go from doing three gigs a month to averaging 25 gigs a month in less than 90-days. (This is not a tactic or marketing technique but how he THOUGHT about his magic business.)
How to turn your phone into a gig producing machine. (No, he will not be teaching you to cold call. This is easier and far more effective.)
His “working your market deep” strategy that could double or triple your income. (This secret comes from the information marketing world, very few entertainers know it, and it could be the game-changer that takes you from where you are to where you want to be.)
The subtle, yet powerful way, to turn one gig into multiple paydays, in less than 30 seconds. (Sound impossible? It’s not. This is one of the strategies Dave used to move from doing birthday party shows to high-paying corporate gigs. You will be able to use this strategy starting with your next show!) That is just the tip of the moneymaking iceberg Dave will reveal at IT Factor Live!